Geared towards new DeMolays, the Basic Track presents attendees with valuable and powerful tools for getting the most out of their DeMolay experience. Throughout the week, they will attend fun and interactive programs, participate in team building exercises, compete in sporting events, and tackle projects alongside Brothers from across the country. All of these activities are designed to spark a deep love and enthusiasm for DeMolay. This love and enthusiasm is the hallmark of a successful DeMolay’s career. DeMolays in the Basic Track will have the opportunity to see this passion reflected in the youth and adult leaders who have been carefully selected to mentor them throughout their DLC experience. After their unforgettable experience at the best DeMolay Leadership Conference in the country, DeMolays will return to their home Chapters prepared to contribute to the growth and impact of their Chapter in their community and beyond.

Strong ties of friendship are formed at the Great Plains DLC, as DeMolays from far and near are placed into Chapters with Brothers they’ve never met. Throughout the entire week, they are actively and continuously encouraged to step outside of their comfort zones. This practice leads to a wealth of idea sharing and personal growth. Basic Track participants leave DLC refreshed in their role as a new DeMolay, and can look forward to returning to DLC to tackle the Advanced Track, where these basic skills are applied to leadership within the Chapter.

Basic Track Topics presented in previous years include:

  • Membership 101

  • Robert’s Rules of Order

  • Multimedia as a Tool

  • Event Planning
